Webnovel Spirity Awards is an annual writing competition held by Webnovel. The competition aims to discover and recognize outstanding authors with exceptional creativity and excellent writing skills on the platform. In 2020, after the initial selection process, more than 10,000 works made it to the next round of judging. A panel of experts in the literary field reviewed the submissions based on criteria such as creativity, storytelling, character development, and language use, among others. The winners were announced at the end of the year, and prizes included cash rewards and promotional opportunities. Webnovel Spirity Awards 2020 had two top prizes, the "Gold Prizes", and they were awarded to two exceptional works out of thousands of submissions.
10,000 USD
Exposure up to 200K readers
London Leicester Square Billboard
5,000 USD
Exposure up to 100K readers
2,000 USD
Exposure up to 50K readers